Promoting Technology through academic partnership

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0 + Experts

Arround The World

User Oriented Approcah

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Agile Based Desicion Making

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Team Augmentation

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Our Mission

Take the Pledge!

The Minority Technology Foundation (MTF) has a core mission to provide trending vocational, technical and media arts training to minorities and at risk youth.

Complementing after school programs, conducting local training workshops and seminars for minorities and improving the quality of minority education rest at the core values of the MTF.

Partnering for better future

The Minority Technology Foundation (MTF) has a core mission to provide trending vocational, technical and media arts training to minorities and at risk youth.

Complementing after school programs, conducting local training workshops and seminars for minorities and improving the quality of minority education rest at the core values of the MTF.

Our Programs

Workforce Development Training Programs

Podcasting Workshop

Cybersecurity Training

Basic Computer Skills Training

Drone Workshops

Television and Film Production

Graphic Design & Animation Training

Audio Visual Support

Intro to Live Streaming

Virtual Reality (VR)

Latest News

There are half as many African Americans and Hispanics in tech as in the rest of the private sector.

Instagram feed here…

Our Hero Team

Expert With Tons of Experience.

Karl Gardon

Senior Developer

Bestie Clann

Business Intelligence

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Web Development 98%
Business Plan 89%
Machine Learning 83%


slowly but surely to keep growing every time.

Our youth are in need of workforce development programs.

Lets help train our minorities and make our communities better and stronger!

Project Completed
0 +

1998 - 2013

Machine Learning Projects
0 +

2014 - 2017

Project Completed
0 +

2018 - 2020

World Appreciations

2021 - Now

Latest Work

See Our Portofolio.

What can we do for your needs

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0 +

Project Completed

0 +

Community Network


On Going Contract

0 +

Years Experience

We show you evidence

Machine Learning

356 Projects

Find more our gallery projects

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How We Work

We'll show our process.

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Our key expertise


Helps startups in the early stages, including concept validation, MVP creation

Custom Software

help our clients create custom software that improves their operations

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